
Music, ‘Tikibombom’ most passed song on radio


Changing of the guard at the top of the ranking of the songs most broadcast by Italian radio, the Sicilian singer-songwriter Levante in fact earns first place with ‘Tikibombom’, the song with which she competed at the 70th edition of the Italian Song Festival of Sanremo . Second position occupied by her colleague Elodie, also competing on the stage of the Ariston theater with ‘Andromeda’, a piece prepared by the award-winning company Mahmood / Dardust, the last edition victorious with the catchphrase ‘Soldi’. The Bergamo Pinguini Tactical Nuclear with ‘Ringo Starr’ must settle for the lowest step of the podium, thus occupying the same position as the final classification of the festival, where they certainly represented the surprise of the edition.

Dua Lipa climbs to fourth position with ‘Physical’. Fifth place occupied, always uphill, by Lady Gaga with the latest single ‘Stupid Love’. Francesco Gabbani goes down to sixth place with ‘Viceversa’, this song, written with four hands with Pacifico, competing in Sanremo. In free fall Diodato, who won the festival with ‘Make noise’, and who today has to settle for seventh place. The Canadian producer and singer The Weeknd’s ‘Blinding Lights’ also falls in the ranking, which this week does not go beyond the eighth place. Ninth position for another song competing in the Ligurian event, it is Achille Lauro and the title of the song is ‘Me ne frego’. Two of the greatest exponents of Italian rap, Ghali and Salmo, who sing together in ‘Boogieman’ close the top ten.

Articolo pubblicato il giorno 20 Marzo 2020 - 12:37

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